ACS Scholars Presenting at Fall 2017 ACS National Meeting in Washington DC

The following ACS Scholars will be presenting their research during the Fall 2017 ACS National Meeting in Washington DC. Stop by their poster and give them encouragement and feedback….

Ifeh Akano, California Polytechnic State University
CHED 260: Characterization of the mechanical stability of chemically functionalized carbon nanotubes by scanning probe microscopy, Hall D – Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Monday August 21, 2-4 pm

Rebecca Goncalves, The College of New Jersey
PHYS 424: Probing the stability of the C-terminal domain of type IV pilins under external force, Hall D – Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Wednesday August 23, 6-8 pm

David Kastner, Brigham Young University
ORGN 169: Conformational ensemble calculations of proteolytically stable β-hairpins containing bulky α,β-dehydroamino acids, Hall D – Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Sunday August 20, 5:30-7:3pm

ACS Scholars also attending, but not presenting:
Michael Cartamil
Isis Frausto
Betsy Gamboa
Ade Samuel
Aramis Smith

Employment Resources for Diversity Recruitment

Here is a curated list of websites that list chemistry employment opportunities that include diversity outreach to underrepresented minorities:

Updates from the Cancer Disparities Research Network: Employment and networking opportunities

Scientific Director of the Division of Intramural Research
| National Institute on Minority Health (NIMHD)

Community Engagement Postdoctoral Associate | Boston University School of Public Health (BU SPH)
The Department of Environmental Health at the Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) has a long history and national reputation of interdisciplinary community-based participatory research to address environmental health inequalities. The Community Engagement (CE) Postdoctoral Associate will work with two research centers and affiliated partners on community engagement and research translation activities in Massachusetts and nationally. The position will involve leading several projects while developing engagement expertise through scholarship, preparing manuscripts, and the opportunity to co-teach a course.
The BU Superfund Research Center includes five studies conducted by investigators at BUSPH and at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The focus of the Center is “Long-term impacts of early life exposure to Superfund chemicals in humans and wildlife,” with a special emphasis on developmental and behavioral health outcomes (
The Center for Research on Social and Environmental Stressors in Housing Across the Life Course
(CRESSH) is a partnership between BUSPH and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. It consists of three studies that address chemical and non-chemical stressors from different disciplinary perspectives (epidemiology, exposure assessment, and quantitative techniques for analyzing cumulative risk) with a specific focus on indoor and outdoor air pollutants and exposures unique to housing and the neighborhood environment (click here). Primary responsibilities of the CE Postdoctoral Associate will be to work with Superfund and CRESSH
investigators, Core leaders, and community partners to facilitate, evaluate, and document community engagement activities. Specific activities will include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Evaluate and document the reporting of research results to participants in a home-based indoor air monitoring study.
• Develop a process for enabling CRESSH investigators to compare their social and environmental health stressor constructs with the perceptions of community stakeholders, including key stakeholder focus groups, to obtain information on participants’ understanding of local environmental health concerns, exposure issues, and the nature of the stressor combinations;
prepare a manuscript analyzing the value of the focus groups for honing research constructs to be used in CRESSH research.
• Work with members of the International Society for Children’s Health and the Environment (ISCHE) – composed of children’s environmental health professionals, including epidemiologists, chemists, toxicologists, clinicians, environmentalists, community leaders, students, and public
health practitioners – to develop mechanisms to support increased access to science for affected communities and, conversely, more exposure to community concerns for framers of evidence-based policy solutions.
• Co-teaching a graduate-level course on Community Engaged Research: Theory, Methods, and Applications (if desired, not required).
Primary collaborators of the two centers include NorthStar Learning Centers in New Bedford, Massachusetts, GreenRoots in Chelsea, Massachusetts, Health Resources in Action, Toxics Action Center New England, and the Science & Environmental Health Network.
The CE Postdoctoral Associate will participate in regular Center meetings and join a team of faculty, doctoral students, and research assistants. The primary postdoctoral supervisor will be Prof. Madeleine Scammell. This is a two-year position.
• Ph.D./doctorate in social sciences (e.g., sociology, anthropology) or Ph.D./doctorate in public
health field, environmental health.
• Expertise in qualitative research.
• Knowledge of environmental health / environmental epidemiology.
• Community engagement experience.
To Apply: Send CV and a letter describing your interests to Madeleine Scammell, D.Sc. ( Please indicate “Community Engagement Postdoctoral Associate” in subject line.

Professional Development Workshop for Early Career Investigators in Behavioral/Social Science Research and Cancer Prevention and Control 

August 10 – 11 2017 | Rockville, MD
The NCI will host this workshop to enhance professional development of the next generation of behavioral and social scientists in cancer prevention and control. This workshop is intended for early-career faculty members with no prior NIH grant funding (with the exception of training awards or limited R03/R21 grant history).

Joe Zasadzinski (UMinn) still looking for two postdocs

In this project, we will be using near infrared light-activated protein-conjugated nanoparticles to deliver functional proteins and/or siRNA to primary cells via an easily scalable, high-throughput microfluidic system available in my lab. We have already synthesized and demonstrated the protein on hollow gold nanocarrier can be successfully delivered to cells and released via pulsed NIR light directly to the cell cytoplasm (1-6). A polyhistidine tagged recombinant protein is conjugated via thiol linkers to hollow gold nanoshells. The protein-HGN are incubated with cells to internalize the carriers via endocytosis facilitated by the appropriate cell penetrating peptide. Following incubation, the HGN is activated by picosecond NIR light pulses applied during flow of the cells through a microfluidic channel. The HGN carriers adsorb the light energy, which is then converted within picoseconds into “hot electrons” that cleave the thiol bonds linking the HGN to the protein cargo. In the following nanoseconds, the HGN dissipates its heat by vaporizing a minute amount of water, forming vapor nanobubbles (7) that insulate both the cell and cargo from significant temperature changes. In this project, we will work on turning this system into a cell micro-manufacturing platform to efficiently modify the cell of choice via protein or siRNA delivery. Using this method, we can create large volumes of modified cells for use in personalized treatments of disease. Our first goal will be to use NK and T-cell modifications with the CAR protein to prime these cells for immunological treatments of cancer.
Requirements: Ph. D. in Biophysics, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Materials Science or Biochemistry.
Preferred to have previous experience in cell culture, colloid chemistry and physics, biochemistry. Position
open immediately.

Postdoc opportunity in Biophysics research at the Ecole Polytechnique, University of Paris-Saclay

The Advanced Microscopies & Tissue Physiology group at the Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences (LOB), Ecole Polytechnique, University of Paris-Saclay, France, is seeking a highly motivated and talented postdoctoral scientist with interest in interdisciplinary optical microscopy and biophysics research.
The Laboratory develops advanced methods in nonlinear optics, tissue microscopy, image analysis, cell/developmental biology, and biophysics for studying intact biological tissues with subcellular resolution.
Candidates should have a solid background and good experimental skills in optics and/or microscopy and should be strongly motivated and keen to work in an interdisciplinary research field. Previous experience in optical imaging and fluorescence lifetime microscopy will be an asset.
The successful candidate will develop novel approaches for fast fluorescence lifetime imaging of endogenous fluorophores in stem cells and living tissues with application to metabolic imaging (Stringari et. al PNAS 2011, Stringari et al Sci. Rep 2012, Aguilar-Arnal et. al PNAS 2016, Stringari et al Sci. Rep 2017).
The postdoctoral fellowship is funded by a 2017 Human Frontier Science Program Young Investigator collaborative grant. The awarded project: “Chromatin dynamics and nuclear metabolism: an intimate interplay uncovered by non-linear optics” aims to understand epigenetic mechanisms during stem cell differentiation and in particular investigate the influence of cellular metabolism on gene expression.
The postdoctoral appointment will be for 2 years. Detailed information about the research can be requested via email. Interested applicants should submit a CV to Chiara Stringari at before September 15th. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, starting immediately.

Postdoc opportunity at University of Colorado, Boulder with Professor Veronica Vaida

Postdoctoral opportunities exist to investigate the unique micro-environments provided by aqueous surfaces, interfaces and micro-droplets, and how they affect organic photochemical reactions. The proposed research includes three related approaches: (1) fundamental laboratory experiments to probe multiphase, environmentally relevant systems using surface sensitive techniques, (2) environmental chamber studies where conditions approximating the atmosphere
can be created, allowing for the assessment of the importance of interfacial chemical reactions in comparison to the better-studied bulk reactions in gas and aqueous phases, and (3) investigation of reactions confined in micro-droplets and vesicles, which will be compared with their bulk and surface counterparts.
This research has significant implications for planetary chemical processes, including on both the contemporary and prebiotic Earth. (1) The Earth’s ocean-atmosphere system, a sunlight-driven photochemical reactor, is a large and complex system, but has been altered over its existence through both natural and anthropogenic events. While gas phase chemistry has received the most attention, in this global reactor, chemistry occurs in all phases. In fact, it has long been established that heterogeneous and multiphase reactions can be extremely important for a fundamental understanding of environmental chemical reactions, which affect chemical processing, air quality, and ultimately visibility, human health, and the planet’s temperature. (2) More broadly, radiation from a planet’s host star provides energy capable of driving planetary processes, including those that increase a system’s chemical complexity. Starlight initiated reactions generate high-energy molecules that are precursors to metabolism as it has evolved in life on Earth. Experiments are designed to investigate the photochemical synthesis and reactivity of such model organic systems under conditions representative of exoplanet Earth analogues, as well as the effect of water on reactivity. Based on this photochemistry, potential spectroscopic probes will be designed for the identification of high energy species and consequently of potentially habitable environments.

To apply, please send a letter of interest, a full CV, and contact information for 2 references (one of which is the graduate advisor) to Professor Veronica Vaida, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 80309-0215 or email to

Women postdocs interested in launching an independent research program, read this!

AMOLF is looking for outstanding young researchers, ideally at the postdoc level, who are eager to start their own research line. AMOLF is keen to attract applicants in any of its research themes. The research program revolves around the Physics of Functional Complex Matter and is divided in 4 main research themes:
1)      Physics of Living Matter (biophysics, systems biology)
2)      Nanophotonics (classical and quantum optics on the nanoscale)
3)      Nanophotovoltaics (PV materials and light management)\
4)      Designer Matter,  which spans metamaterials, mechanics and soft matter. 
AMOLF offers a scientifically inspiring collaborative environment, state-of-the-art infrastructure and an interdisciplinary research program with a generous start up package (investment and personnel).
About AMOLF: AMOLF is a world-leading interdisciplinary research institute working on the Physics of Functional Matter, noteably working on Physics of Living Matter (biophysics, systems biology), Nanophotonics (classical and quantum optics on the nanoscale), Nanophotovoltaics (PV materials and light management), and Designer Matter,  which spans metamaterials, mechanics and soft matter.  AMOLF is a dynamic environment in which 120 scientist work in 17 groups that are based in different disciplines, yet strongly collaborate to jointly unravel how complex functionality can be programmed into, or emerges from, complex matter. The non-hierarchical division in small groups, mean that AMOLF presents a collaborative and supportive environment for starting a new group, with many opportunities for joint training and joint project initiatives. AMOLF has a state-of-the-art infrastructure for nanofabrication, ultrafast spectroscopy, microscopy, and molecular biophysics.  AMOLF offers tenure trackers full independence as PI to build a group, with a supportive and transparent system of mentoring and monitoring towards a permanent staff position. Thus, AMOLF is an excellent environment for researchers to start a tenure-track. 
About the WISE program:  AMOLF is keen to attract applicants in any of its research themes, and will provide a generous start up package in terms of investment and personnel to kickstart the new research line.  Successful candidates will be able to start a group as independent principal investigator, with a clear path to a permanent position after 5 years.  As the tenure track fellowship is facilitated by the  NWO WISE program, applications for the position need to be made through the NWO  “Women in Science Excel” program website. This process works via an open, competitive call for applications administered by the dutch science foundation NWO, with selected candidates invited to visit the institute for interview. Further information about the program, the application requirements and deadline are listed on here.  AMOLF will supply a startup package well beyond the WISE guidelines.
Candidates who are interested to explore the opportunity of this WISE call, are invited to contact the AMOLF director ( or any of the pertinent research theme leaders (biophysics –, designer matter –, photovoltaics –, nanphotonics – ) before applying, to discuss the research plan, the tenure-track start up package we can provide (in addition to the provisions of the WISE call itself), and to explain further the type of research environment that one can find at AMOLF.

Opportunities from the Cancer Disparities Research Network

Scientific Director of the Division of Intramural Research
| National Institute on Minority Health (NIMHD)

Community Engagement Postdoctoral Associate | Boston University School of Public Health (BU SPH)
The Department of Environmental Health at the Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) has a long history and national reputation of interdisciplinary community-based participatory research to address environmental health inequalities. The Community Engagement (CE) Postdoctoral Associate will work with two research centers and affiliated partners on community engagement and research translation activities in Massachusetts and nationally. The position will involve leading several projects while developing engagement expertise through scholarship, preparing manuscripts, and the opportunity to co-teach a course.
The BU Superfund Research Center includes five studies conducted by investigators at BUSPH and at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The focus of the Center is “Long-term impacts of early life exposure to Superfund chemicals in humans and wildlife,” with a special emphasis on developmental and behavioral health outcomes (
The Center for Research on Social and Environmental Stressors in Housing Across the Life Course
(CRESSH) is a partnership between BUSPH and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. It consists of three studies that address chemical and non-chemical stressors from different disciplinary perspectives (epidemiology, exposure assessment, and quantitative techniques for analyzing cumulative risk) with a specific focus on indoor and outdoor air pollutants and exposures unique to housing and the neighborhood environment (click here). Primary responsibilities of the CE Postdoctoral Associate will be to work with Superfund and CRESSH
investigators, Core leaders, and community partners to facilitate, evaluate, and document community engagement activities. Specific activities will include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Evaluate and document the reporting of research results to participants in a home-based indoor air monitoring study.
• Develop a process for enabling CRESSH investigators to compare their social and environmental health stressor constructs with the perceptions of community stakeholders, including key stakeholder focus groups, to obtain information on participants’ understanding of local environmental health concerns, exposure issues, and the nature of the stressor combinations;
prepare a manuscript analyzing the value of the focus groups for honing research constructs to be used in CRESSH research.
• Work with members of the International Society for Children’s Health and the Environment (ISCHE) – composed of children’s environmental health professionals, including epidemiologists, chemists, toxicologists, clinicians, environmentalists, community leaders, students, and public
health practitioners – to develop mechanisms to support increased access to science for affected communities and, conversely, more exposure to community concerns for framers of evidence-based policy solutions.
• Co-teaching a graduate-level course on Community Engaged Research: Theory, Methods, and Applications (if desired, not required).
Primary collaborators of the two centers include NorthStar Learning Centers in New Bedford, Massachusetts, GreenRoots in Chelsea, Massachusetts, Health Resources in Action, Toxics Action Center New England, and the Science & Environmental Health Network.
The CE Postdoctoral Associate will participate in regular Center meetings and join a team of faculty, doctoral students, and research assistants. The primary postdoctoral supervisor will be Prof. Madeleine Scammell. This is a two-year position.
• Ph.D./doctorate in social sciences (e.g., sociology, anthropology) or Ph.D./doctorate in public
health field, environmental health.
• Expertise in qualitative research.
• Knowledge of environmental health / environmental epidemiology.
• Community engagement experience.
To Apply: Send CV and a letter describing your interests to Madeleine Scammell, D.Sc. ( Please indicate “Community Engagement Postdoctoral Associate” in subject line.

Professional Development Workshop for Early Career Investigators in Behavioral/Social Science Research and Cancer Prevention and Control 

August 10 – 11 2017 | Rockville, MD
The NCI will host this workshop to enhance professional development of the next generation of behavioral and social scientists in cancer prevention and control. This workshop is intended for early-career faculty members with no prior NIH grant funding (with the exception of training awards or limited R03/R21 grant history).

Opening for a postdoctoral fellow in the Rempe lab at Sandia National Labs

POSITION: Postdoctoral Appointee – Computational Biophysics & Nanoscale Materials

Manager: E. Ackerman

Sandia National Laboratories is the nation’s premier science and engineering lab for national security and technology innovation. We are a world-class team of scientists, engineers, technologists, postdocs, and visiting researchers—all focused on cutting-edge technology, ranging from homeland defense, global security, biotechnology, and environmental preservation to energy and combustion research, computer security, and nuclear defense. To learn more, visit

The Nanobiology Department, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is part of Sandia’s Biological and Material Sciences Center. The group develops and applies new experimental and computational capabilities to understand fundamental mechanisms underlying cellular and biomolecular processes and phenomena. These capabilities are also used to integrate biomolecular processes, biological principles, biomimetic materials, and biomolecular functions into nano- and microscale systems, thereby deriving innovative solutions to national-security problems involving biodefense, public health, and energy. Current capabilities include state-of-the-art imaging of whole cells and single proteins; protein engineering; spectroscopic techniques to characterize cellular and molecular modifications; electrophysiology coupled with imaging; materials synthesis;
and computational expertise in state-of-the-art density-functional and molecular-dynamics simulation techniques for investigating complex biological and synthetic systems. To learn more, visit

The Nanobiology Department at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, seeks a postdoctoral fellow who will conduct research on topics of interest including, but not limited to, biomolecular structure, dynamics, and function. The chosen candidate will join a multidisciplinary team that includes staff members, postdoctoral associates, and students. The candidate will primarily apply a variety of computational techniques, such as classical Monte Carlo/molecular dynamics (MC/MD), ab initio molecular dynamics, and quantum chemistry simulations, to probe how molecular structure and interfacial behavior relate to function. The postdoctoral appointee will be expected to work closely with Sandia scientists, including staff member Susan Rempe, to conduct a forefront program in biophysics and nanoscale materials research. In addition, the postdoctoral appointee will be expected to publish research, assist in writing grant proposals, and present research at national society conferences.

The annual salary for this position is ~$85K.

This position requires a recent PhD (conferred within the past five years) in physics, chemistry, biophysics, chemical engineering or a closely related field. Published evidence of outstanding scientific contributions from theoretical/computational research is also expected, as is the ability to work in teams and establish strong collaborations. U.S. citizenship is required.

Voth Group has opening for a Postdoc Position

There is a possibility of a postdoc position here tied to biological membranes and the interaction of proteins and peptides with them, using all-atom and/or coarse-grained theory and simulation. Plese send your vitae and publication list directly to

Group Web Site: