Multiple postdoctoral positions are available immediately with Joshua Vaughan in the Department of Chemistry, whose interdisciplinary research group develops new chemical and optical tools for fluorescence microscopy for application to biological questions.
Highly motivated candidates with a background in biology, chemistry, engineering, or related disciplines are sought for two new projects: 1) An NIH-funded project focused on the development of new probes and methods for highly multiplexed probing of mRNA in cells and tissues, and 2) a non-federally supported project focused on the development of new fluorescence-based assays to read out the epigenetic state of single cells, to be used to study stem cell differentiation. Researchers will gain experience in the development of advanced methods for fluorescence microscopy (including single-molecule localization microscopy (e.g., STORM/PALM), expansion microscopy, structured-illumination microscopy) and the use of these methods to answer questions in cells and tissues. Funding is available for several years; initial appointment will be for one year, with potential renewal for one or more years if mutually agreeable.
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in biology, chemistry, or a related discipline; significant experience in fluorescence microscopy, mRNA sequencing, epigenetics, quantitative biology, and/or optics is advantageous. To apply, email a cover letter describing your interests, a brief summary (no more than 1-2 paragraphs) of past and present research activities/accomplishments, expected date of availability, and a CV to Joshua Vaughan, and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent by email to; all application materials should be sent by March 14, 2018.